Named after the Greek word Euphoria (living and feeling well), Euphoria Retreat is a holistic healing place in Greece, offering a unique combination of interconnected ancient Hellenic philosophies, traditional Chinese medicine, scientific innovation and healing modalities.

Property highlights

  • A healing method designed with exceptional inclusivity and flexibility, marrying the best in ancient healing traditions and modern science, as well as the energies of the land where Euphoria Retreat is built,
  • Unlike most health and wellness approaches which require certain sacrifices, Euphoria offers a transformation process which is rather joyful, sensual and full of exciting potential for growth.

What we think

Euphoria Retreat is a place of inspiration for those seeking to live a more balanced and healthy life, change and transform, reconnect with their spiritual self in a way that is closer to their heart, their roots and nature.


Euphoria Retreat opened its doors in 2018, in a secluded location near Mystras, a UNESCO heritage in the Peloponnese: a place where transformations could happen. Marina Efraimoglou, the founder of Euphoria, found this magical place in 2007. After suffering from cancer and exhaustion, and going through an inspiring healing journey, Marina was looking for the perfect place where guests could truly experience healing, reconnect with nature and find a joyful balance between the body, mind and spirit.

The healing philosophy and treatments at Euphoria are based on the common ground between the Greek and Chinese philosophies and medical practices: they both share deep historical roots and a common understanding of the cosmos and of human nature. 

What is unique about Euphoria Retreat: a family-owned and family-run healing place, led by a strong and diverse team who keeps their hearts and minds open to fully understand the needs, emotions and dreams of all their guests, and instigate meaningful life changes.

Good to know

  • Euphoria Method combines East and West healing philosophies, ancient Greek and Chinese health approaches and science with naturalism,
  • Do not miss the sphere pool experience at the very heart of Euphoria's spa: a revelling womb-like sensation, transported by soothing marine sounds,
  • Euphoria offers programmes (any date) as well as retreats (at specific dates, sometimes led by visiting practitioners).

Practical information

Questions Answers
Languages spoken Greek, English
Hotel size 45 rooms
Location Greece
Access 2,5 hours drive from Athens airport
50 minutes from Kalamanta airport (May-October)
Hotel style Modern and Zen
Minimum stay 3 nights
Average stay 7 days

Health & wellness programmes at Euphoria Retreat

Programmes Duration
Holistic Leadership 4 days (specific dates)
Emotional Harmony 5 or 7 days
Wellbeing Detox 3, 5 or 7 days
Spartan Spirit of Adventure 5 days (specific dates)

Price range

A stay at Euphoria starts from 1200€ for 3 nights including breakfast. Price varies depending on the programme / retreat, additional treatments and the room category.

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